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flox services stop command


flox-services-stop - stop running services


flox [<general-options>] services stop
     [ -d=<path> ]
     [<name>] ...


Stops the specified running services.

If no services are specified, then all services will be stopped. If any of the specified services are not currently running, a warning will be displayed and the remaining services will be stopped.

If any of the specified services do not exist, an error will be returned and no services will be stopped. If an error is encountered while stopping one of the specified services, the remaining services will still be stopped a warning will be displayed for the services that failed to stop, and a non-zero exit code will be returned.


-d, --dir
Path containing a .flox/ directory.

The name(s) of the services to stop.

General Options

-h, --help
Prints help information.

The following options can be passed when running any flox subcommand but must be specified before the subcommand.

-v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. Invoke multiple times for increasing detail.

-q, --quiet
Silence logs except for errors.


Stop a running service named ‘server’:

$ flox services stop server

Stop all running services:

$ flox services stop

Attempt to stop a service that doesn’t exist:

$ flox services stop myservice doesnt_exist
❌ ERROR: Service 'doesnt_exist' not found.

Attempt to stop a service that isn’t running:

$ flox services stop running not_running
⚠️  Service 'not_running' is not running
✅ Service 'running' stopped

